terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2019

What we played ... Week 8

Hi Folks!!

I share with you our last game nights of the month.

In the last friday we played:

Criptyd (x2):
We forgot to take the photo for this one. In that night both games were awful, all players were totally distracted, the search for the criptyd became a nightmare, to get an idea we had the need to use unused color cubes to mark the map :(

T.I.M.E Stories - Brotherhood of the Coast.
The mission ends successfully with another murder after do 5 or 6 attempts to do it, we totally forgot a card that help us in the last combats.To avoid spoilers, we did not take the photo for this game.

If you are looking how create a news paper this game could be the best option, with a worker placement system and bidding to do some actions.
The winner
Dice Hospital:
Managing the hospital hiring new specialists, upgrading the hospital  and using dice more effectively to treat patients, that is Dice Hospital, a great game.

Lorenzo Il Magnifico:
A great salad point game and a good engine builder, always trying to use the dice as better as possible to create great combos. Always fun.
In the second Era
At the end
Treasure Island:
To close the night we were looking for the John Silver's treasure.
The treasure was found
And yesterday we played

The last game from Martin Wallace, a competitive/semi-coop game in which the players will fight either against the other players and the Old Ones that survived in Auztralia. We are looking for a game with area control, resource management, action point allowance, with good components, simple to teach, and a very fun card system to resolve fights and old one's movements (push your luck). 

In the middle of the journey
I´ll see you in the next post.

domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2019

What we played ... Week 6

Hi Folks!!

One more week with a lot of games and fun.

We played in the middle of the week NEWTON, and what a game!!!, all my expecting about this game was totally fulled. Is really good, the components are good, the hand management system works well, in every turn you have tough decisions to take, easy to teach, well balance, it´s possible collect a lot of point between rounds, and work for gain more points at the end of the game.

In the weekend, meanwhile waiting for others players our game night started with Le Havre - The Inland Port, the 2 player version for game of Le Havre. Good game, solid, fast, easy to teach, and you never be who win until the final score. To open a game night was a good choice.

Next game was CV, a game card, in that game we try to create our own life history, using cards and dice. The dice are useful to buy card in every turn (2 max), There are 6 different types of cards, 5 of them are useful to set collection (jobs, health, knowledge, relationship and  possessions) and the another one give a special effect one time, these group of cards are separated in 4 stages of life (childhood (starting cards), early adulthood, middle age and old age). The only way to obtain point in this game is make set collection either to fulfill the personal or the common objectives.
Setup + explanation
To finish our game night was played T.I.M.E Stories, the scenario chosen was Brotherhood of the Coast
Reading the instructions of the mission
And that was our game week,

I hope that you have enjoyed.

See you in the next post.

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2019

What we played ... Week 5

Hi Folks!!!

In our last game night we have new games and a lot of fun.

Treasure Island:
A deduction game where the captain Long John Silver hide a treasure chest and his crew commit a mutiny and question him about the location of the treasure. The game has some bluff, the components are good, one of the problems are the colors in the map are difficult to see, another problem if the players don´t have care could erase older marks in the map from others players. 
Next, in one table, was played the game of the month.
Chronicles of Crime:
Another deduction game but this one is cooperative, the players will try to solve a crime scene, collecting clues, interacting with witnesses, exploring the crime scene, etc. We don't take a pictures to avoid spoilers. This night was played the tutorial and the Case Nº 01, the final result in both was successful. Was fun see the players exploring the crime scene with the VR glasses in the cell phone, looking around in the "garagem".

Dice Hospital:
In the other table was played:
Carpe Diem:
The last Feld's game, this one is amazing, very simple mechanisms (move, pick up and build) but with a lot of strategy between rounds, because at the end of each round, are 4 in total, happen a score point, to do that each player will select 2 adjacent cards to gain points but only if he/she fully meet the requirements of each card. If a player can’t fully meet the requirements of a scoring card, they don’t get any victory points at all and instead lose 4 victory points or will lose points. This game is fast, easy to teach, have a high replay-ability, the components are good, the negative of this game are the back of the 2 different building tiles, both are green and very similar, you certainly will lose some time at the begging or at the end of the game to separate them in 2 different stacks.
Third round
The cities
The multi awarded game in 2017.
First round
The winner's wall
Azul - Stained Glass of Sintra:

And that's all for this week,

We'll see you in the next post