terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2018

What was Played?? Week 47

Hi everyone,

The last week the people joined in the "Garagem" to played games in 2 different nights.

The first night, in the middle of the week and have been played 2 new ones games:

Teotihuacan: City of Gods it´s a game played in three eras in which each player commands a force of worker dice, these dice could grow in strength with every action. On your turn, you can do one of these two option, take a normal turn (move a worker around a modular board up to three spaces and do something in that space) or unlock all your locked workers for free. At the end the player to gain most fame is the winner.
Players: 2 - 4 
Mechanisms: Area movement, point to point movement, set collection, tile placement, variable player powers, worker placement.
Playing time: 90 - 120 min
Designers: Daniele Tascini, Dávid Turczi
Notes: A game of the well knowns Daniele Tascini (T'zolkin, The Voyage of Marco Polo) and Dávid Turczi (Anacrony, Kitchen Rush, Cerebria), a very strategic and solid game, always with a toughs decisions to take, high replay-ability with different levels of difficulty, good components. In summary an excellent game that entered in the collection, actually, one of my favorites.   
At the end of our 3 players game
2.- Brikks (2018):
Brikks can be viewed as tabletop Tetris, with each player trying to place falling blocks into their grid to score the most points. As soon as you can no longer place a quadromino in your grid, your game is over and proceed to final score (lines with 8, 9 or 10 "X"+ point bonus track+ left over bombs + 1 point per 2 activated, but unused energy points).
Players: 1 - 4 
Mechanisms: Dice rolling, pattern building, tile placement
Playing time: 20 - 30 min
Designers: Wolfgang Warsch
Notes: In fact, Tetris and Roll-and-Write games are on fire. This year Wolfgang Warsch published four small games (The Mind, Illusion, Ganz Schön Clever and finally Brikks) all of them are easy to teach and play, all can be played with different levels of difficulty to support the entry of new players to the hobbie. For this one in specific, maked me remember when i have played tetris in the arcade. The main diference between boths games is that in the arcade you knew which was the next quadromino, in the board game the next quadromino is defining by rolling dice. The components are normal, everything in this game is logic. In sumary, it´s a good game to open or close a game nighta several times.
One of the play-mat at the end of the game
In the weekend only 2 games was played:

1.- Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King (2015) (x2) one play with the expansion "Journeyman (2017)" and the another without this expansion.
In this game the players are chieftains of famous clans and want to build their kingdoms to score as many points as possible during five rounds. In the end, the player with the best kingdom, becomes the sovereign of the island.
Players: 2 -5 
Mechanisms: Auction/Bidding, Set Collection, Tile Placement
Playing time: 30 - 50 min (75 with the expansion)
Designers: Andreas Pelikan, Alexander Pfister
Notes: A great game, one of my favorites, i feel sorry for not being able to play more games with the auction/bidding mechanic (Yunnan, Tramways, Five Tribes). This game is easy to teach and play, has a high replay-ability, good components, i don´t see any negative for this game.
Game end with the expansion (4 player game)
2.- The Mind (2018):
In sumary, the game is a deck of numbered cards (1-100) and the players will try to discard cards, without talk, in ascending order, trying to complete the levels associated to a numbers of players.
Players: 2 -4 
Mechanisms: Hand management, cooperative play.
Playing time: 15 min
Designers: Wolfgang Warsch
How i said before, a little game, very easy to teach and play, with a little bit of tension because the players can´t talk, like Brikks a good for open or close any game night. 
At the beginning
And that´s all, this was a our week of games,

See you next week.

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2018

What was Played?? Week 46

Hi Folks,

This weekend in the garage was not normal, it must have been the first week in almost 2 years that no new games were played, but it was not because of this that there was no fun at night.

To open the night we have played:
1.- Carcassonne (x2) (2000):
One the most oldest modern board game
Players: 2 - 5 
Mechanisms:Tile placement, Area Control / Area Influence
Playing time: 30 - 45 min
Designers: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede

And the Winner is ......
2.- Whistle Stop (2017):
It is a US coast-to-coast train journey in which players move their trains to the west and pick up goods, they can deliver these goods to small towns to gain action on railroads, or insure them for a larger payment when they arrive to the west coast.
Players: 2 - 5 
Mechanisms: Action Point Allowance System, Pick-up and Deliver, Tile placement, Set Collection.
Playing time: 75 min
Designers: Scott Caputo

At the Beginning

Almost game end
And finally:
3.- Roll for the Galaxy (2014):
This game it´s the dice version of "Race for the Galaxy", who love dice games this one it's a very good option. In the game the dice represent your populace, whom you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods to building your space empire.
Players: 2 - 5 
Mechanisms: Dice Rolling, Deck/ Pool Building, Simultaneous Acton Selection, 
Playing time: 45 min
Designers: Wei-Hwa Huang, Thomas Lehmann

At the end

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2018

What was Played?? Week 45

Hi everyone,

That weekend like we promise we were going to InvictaCon, the board game convention in Porto - Portugal to play and see the latest news from Essen 2018.

That was a space were the Con took place

Salão Multiusos de Gondomar
Our first day was friday night and we played:

One of the most wanted games from Essen 2018 after Azul won prizes in everywhere, this second chapter was awesome and beautiful with a new way to score points and a new element; a glazier; that give us one action during the game.
In that game the players must build windows selecting glass panes from the factories to complete the owns patterns being careful not to damage or waste supplies in the process.
Players: 2 - 4 
Mechanisms: tile drafting, tile placement, pattern building.
Playing time: 30-45 min
Designers: Michael Kiesling

2.- Arraial (2018):
Another game with Portuguese theme, we are on fire, introduced in Essen 2018. "Arraial" is the name given to traditional Portuguese summer celebrations during which people take to the streets eating, drinking, and having fun in the old neighborhoods that are bedecked with arches, colorful balloons, popular music, and the aroma of sweet basil.
If you like Tetris, that could be a good option to play, very clever and fast, with good components.
Players: 1 - 4 
Mechanisms: Action point allowance system, tile placement, pattern building.
Playing time: 30 min
Designers: Paulo Soledade e Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro

At the end of the game
The best "Arraial" of the night
3.- Downforce (2017):
It's time to race, first the players must bid for cars and drivers, then they play cards to move the cars (own or not), and when the first car pass the yellow line all players must bet in one car (the car with better option to win), the game ends when the cards in the hand of players are exhausted. At the end the players receive money for your(s) car(s) race position, for your bets and pay the initial cost for car(s) and driver(s), the player with more money win the game.
Players: 2 - 6
Mechanisms: Aution/Biding, Betting/Wagering, hand management.
Playing time: 20 - 40 min
Designers: Rob Daviau, Justin D. Jacobson, Wolfgang Kramer.

At the middle of the race
Saturday, another day to play another couple of games.

1.- Santoniri (2016):
A beautiful puzzle, abstract and simple strategy game, where the players in turns must move one builder and build around him. The game ends immediately if either of your builders reaches the third level.
Players: 2 - 3
Mechanisms: Grid movement, tile placement.
Playing time: 20 min
Designers: Gord!
At the end

 2.- Dragon Castle (2017):
Another beautiful abstract and simple strategy game. Who like "Mahjong" certainly that's a good option to play a hundred of times.
Good components, different scenarios, high replay-ability, 3 different modes of play, all good stuff for a good game.
Players: 2 - 4
Mechanisms: Pattern building, tile placement.
Playing time: 30 - 45 min
Designers: Hjalmar Hach, Luca Ricci, Lorenzo Silva

At the end
3.- Great Western Trail (2016):
I don´t have more adjectives to describe that awesome game, I'm just shame that I do not play that game more often.
Players: 2 - 4
Mechanisms: Deck/pool building, hand management, point to point movement, set collection, tile placement.
Playing time: 75 - 150 min
Designers: Alexander Pfister.

At the beginning
And finally on sunday, we´ve sorry for not publish photos from this day:

1.- Teotiuacán - City of Gods (2018):
One of the most wanted game from Essen 2018, looks like a mix between Tzolkin and The Voyages of Marco Polo, goods elements, very clever, some many paths to win point, i was not disappointed after play that game.
2.- The River (2018):
Another most wanted game from Essen 2018. A good and solid worker placement family game, beautiful pieces like always Days of Wonder does, very simple game, a good choice for families.
3.- Luxor (2018):
If you like simple games with a lot of fun, that could be a good choice,
4.- Sagrada (2017):
The most played games of mine, i don't said anything.
5.- Azul (2017):
Always a good and strategic plays whit this game.

How can you see, that weekend we had a lot of fun, we try so many new games, some of then probably will be in our collections soon.

And that's all folks, we'll see you in the next post.

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2018

What was played in the middle of the week 45???

Hi folks,

In this week the people join in the garage to play:

1.- Wasteland Express Delivery Service (2017):
The players take the role of the half-insane drivers for the last delivery company left of earth. In this game drivers will deliver goods and guns between the handful of settlements pockmarked throughout the hellscape that you call home and take on missions from the handful of factions still trying to hold onto the last dregs of civilization.
Players: 2 - 5 
Mechanisms: Action point allowance system, dice rolling, pick up and deliver.
Playing time: 90-120 min
Designers: Jonathan Gilmour, Ben Pinchback, Matt Riddle

Near the end of the game
2.- Tiny Epic Zombies (KS edition) (2018):
In this game, survivors are always on the run, collecting weapons, killing Zombies and working toward completing objectives. Completing 3 objectives can win you the game but if you're too focused on the objectives, the Zombies will overrun the mall and that will be the end of you.
Players: 1 - 5
Mechanisms: Dice rolling, area control/area influence, pick up and deliver, press your luck.
Playing time: 30 min.
Designers: Scott Almes

And that was all.

In this weekend we will going to InvictaCon, the Board Game Convention in Porto. Follow us in the next post we will upload some photos of that event.

domingo, 4 de novembro de 2018

What was played?? Week 44

Hi everyone,

The last weekend in the "Garagem do Marco" the people were played:

A great salad point game (contracts, travel objectives, build trading houses in cities, resources) 
Players: 2 - 4  (5 with the expansion Agents of Venice)
Mechanisms: Dice rolling, working placement, point to point movement, resource management.
Playing time: 20-25 min/player.
Designers: Simone Luciani e Daniele Tascini.


2.- Western Legends (KS Edition) (2018):
One of the most wanted games from Essen 2018.
In this game the players assume the role of historical figures of the American Wild West, and try to increase your legendary points in a variety of ways (gamble, drive cattle, prospect for gold, rob the bank, fight bandits, pursue stories, become an outlaw, keep the peace)
Players: 2 - 6 
Mechanisms: Action point allowance system, area movement, hand management, pick-up and deliver, take that.
Playing time: 60-90 min
Designers: Hervé Lemaître

Kit Carson tableu
3. Ceylon (2018):
In that game the players take on the role of the pioneers who developed the Ceylon tea industry after a deadly fungus killed off all the coffee plantations on the island thus causing a serious economic crisis. 
Players: 2 - 4 
Mechanisms: Area control/area influence, hand management, grid movement.
Playing time: 60 min
Designers: Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli

At the end

4. Xi'an (2017):
The players as a delegate of the Emperor, will be asked to fulfill his wish by leading a team of workers and helpers to obtain resources, craft and decorate the warrior statues, and supply them with fine wood and bronze weapons.
Players: 2 - 4 
Mechanisms: Area control/area influence, hand management, set collection , simultaneous action selection, worker placement.
Playing time: 30-60 min
Designers: Marco Legato, Francesco Testini

In the middle of the game

The pit in the end
And that was all the games played in the last weekend, a really good choice for a good night. 

See you in the next post.

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2018

O que se jogou?? Semanas 24-43

Boas pessoal,

Bem vindos mais uma vez ao nosso blog que recolhe a informação das jogatanas realizas nas sextas-ferias na garagem do Marco, após este tempo de paragem vamos fazer só um resumo daquilo que foi jogado sem grandes explicações. 

Aqui deixo então a listagem de jogos que passaram pela mesa da garagem, para não deixar de variar a maior parte foram novidades  

Alhambra (x2)
Anachrony (x1)
Arraial (x1)
Azul (x1)
BANG! The Dice Game (x4)
Big Trouble in Little China: The Game (x1)
Captain Sonar (x1)
Cards Against Humanity (x1)
Castell (x1)
The Castles of Burgundy (x1)
Century: Eastern Wonders (x1)
Codenames (x1)
Coimbra (x1)
Dixit: Odyssey com nova expansão (x3)
Flamme Rouge com expansão Peloton (x1)
Formula D (x1)
Ganz schön clever (x2)
K2 (x2)
Love Letter (x1)
Luxor (x2)
Magic Maze (x2)
Pickomino (x2)
Pioneer Days (x1)
Quantum (x1)
Rajas of the Ganges (x1)
Reef (x2)
Rise to Nobility (x1)
Rising 5: Runes of Asteros (x1)
Robo Rally (x1)
Sagrada com a expansão do quinto e sexto jogador (x3)
Santa Maria (x1)
Spirit Island (x1)
The Game (x2)
Througth the Ages (x1)
Village (x2)
Vinhos (Deluxe Edition) (x1)
Welcome To... (x2)
Wasteland Express - Delivery Service (x1)

Faltam com certeza algumas entradas, mas em linha geral não deve andar muito longe da realidade.

Tentaremos que as próximas publicações tenham mais imagens, salvo aquelas que possam proporcionar "spoilers", e menos conversa, resumir a colocar só a informação básica do jogo com uma pequena opinião dos componentes, do jogo (duração, rejogabilidade, história/tema, etc).

Da mesma forma tentaremos dar um novo visual à página, torna-la mais cativante e ver se será possível publicar algum vídeo das jogatanas, não é que não se tenha tentado, mas sempre faltou alguma coisa.

Até a próxima pessoal,

E já sabem joguem .... sem olhar com quem.